Kiel October 2008

At the start-up meeting in Kiel from 9 to 11 October 2008 the partners presented their ideas about their choice of themes. We concluded that based on these choices it was more practical to work in triples than in tandems as originally planned.
Each triple discussed the exact defintion of its theme and its work plan for the first half year.
A workgroup was formed to work out a proposal for the design of the project website.
Graz April 2009

At the meeting from 16 to 18 April 2009 in Graz the partners gave a review of the work done.
Each partner had formed a group of senior students that worked on the theme and laid contact to people of the young generation. There had already been some exchange of material within the triples.
From contacts between partners a number of additional themes had cristallised as can be seen in the overview.
The VECU logo is a contribution of the Technical University Brno.
The Comenius University Bratislava showed a concept for a project flyer.
The design of the website was agreed upon.
Reports of the partners:
Groningen October 2009

At the meeting on 8 and 9 October 2009 in Groningen the progress of the project was reviewed. All partners had performed according to plan, some of them already producing interesting results.
Vienna, Bratislava and Wroclaw had formed an additional tandem on the theme of Proverbs.
The layout and guideline for the Cultural Centre on the website was agreed upon. Contributions to it will be added till the next project meeting in April.
Agreement was reached on the setup of the final symposium in Wroclaw in June 2010. Every triple will get an opportunity to present its results.
Reports of the partners:
Brno April 2010

At the project meeting in Brno from 14 to 17 April 2010 we had our usual review of the progress and decided on the programme of the final conference in Wroclaw.
There are already a great number of articles in the Cultural Centre. Some more are still to come and some still have to be translated into English. We plan to have the database ready before the Wroclaw conference.
Progress reports of the partners:
Wien - Proverb group (working methods)